
你的英国朋友jim 所在的学校要组织学生来中国旅行,有两条线路可以选择:“长江之行”或者“泰山之旅”。Jim 来信希望你能给些建议。请你给他回信,内容包括:


Dear Jim,
I’m happy to receive your letter and know you’ re coming to China.
Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly recommended.Personally,
I prefer the tour along the Yangtze, the longest river and one of the mother riversof Chinese
civilization. You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people.Moreover,the
scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing spots.That’swhy I think
the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice.
Hope you’ll have a good time in China.
Li Hua




提示词:视频 video

[Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture, which turned out be toextremely rewarding.
On arriving at the tea house, the foreign students were impressed by the unique tea pots and tea cups. l gave them a vivid andinformative introduction of tea culture, including its profound history, its rich variety, and the exquisite craftsmanship of making teawith their interest greatly sparked, I then began to teach them how to make tea.in order to deliver a clear presentation, slowly explained the traditional procedure of makin tea in detail. Absorbed in every move ofmine, the toreign students were once again amazed by this unique culture and they couldnt help taking pictures trom time to timeNext came the moment whenl asked them to have a try themselves. Washing the tea pots, adding tea leaves, and pouring water intcthe cups,they tolowed my instructions and were really immersed in charming tea culture. The tea house witnessed a realv eniovable
time for all of us.At the end of the activity, holding the tea bags in our hands, we took a picture to memorize the unforgettable day. t suddenly hit methat traditional culture like tea culture was of great charm and huge value. And l swelled with pride to spread our own culture topeople all over the world.

未经允许不得转载:笔仙儿 » 2017年北京市高考英语作文及范文

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