


提示词语:lose,make up(弥补), buy, send


What happened to the book?

What will you do to make up for it?

Dear Peter,    How are you getting on?I’m writing this email to say sorry    …    Yours,    Li Hua

题目②“不积跬步,无以至千里。” 积累,有助于我们达成目标,实现梦想。某英文网站正在开展以“积累”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你在积累知识方面做过什么,有什么收获。

提示词语:accumulate(积累), read, keep, make progress


What did you do to accumulate knowledge?

What have you learned from doing so?Without accumulating,we can hardly achieve anything. …


题目①How are you getting on? I’m writing this email to say sorry. Recently,I planned to return the book that you lent to my.Unfortunately,I won’t make it because I lost it by accident.I took several books to the park nearby to read last Saturday morning.After finishing reading,I hurried home without putting the book into my bat.Unexpectedly,when I went back on that afernoon,the book was not where it had been before. I searched and searched but failed to find it.How I wish I would give it back to you! However,I have no choice but to break the bad news to you. I really hope to make up for your loss and have bought the same book online. I will send the book to you as soon as possibe. Hopefully,you will understand my situation and accept my apology. I’m looking forward to your reply.

题目②Without accumulating,we can hardly achieve anything. As for my, I have taken lots of measures to accumulate knowledge. First of all,I attentively listened to the teachers,parents,and the others who could provide me with much knowledge,considering that it was one of the most effective ways to enrich myself. In the second place,I used to observe something carefully and took note at the same time so that I would not miss anything important. Last but not least,when having spare time,I chose to read various books and reviewed what I had gained regularly.In a word,I have learned a lot druing the process of accumulating knowledge.Just as an old saying goes,Rome was not built in one day. That is to say,one cannot succeed without persistent accumulation. So I have learned that only by gaining knowledge step by step can we achieve our goal and realize our dream In the future,I will continue to keep accumulating knowledge and make greater progress.

未经允许不得转载:笔仙儿 » 2020年北京市英语作文及范文

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